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"The Messenger"

edited by the students of Johnson County High School

Harry Laws - Editor in Chief

"The Messenger" edited by the students of Johnson County High School, Harry Laws - Editor in Chief

Meet The seniors of '34

Class Officers:

President - Tom Walsh

Vice President - Paul McEwen

Secretary - Myrtle Robinson

Class Sponsorer - Prof. Ray Shoun

Class Flower - White Rose

Class Colors - Blue and Gold

Class Moto - "Work works wonders"

(Note: senior students are listed by name with some having identifying information such as home location and parents)

o             Madge Johnson - daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Johnson

o             Tom Walsh - varsity letterman in football and president of senior class

o             Argus Blevins - the best scholar; from Shady Valley; varsity debater, the East Tennessee Champion in extempore speaking

o             Nell Wilson - daughter of Squire W.S. Wilson of Trade

o             Claude Cress - served as president of class; musician of the class

o             Maude Phillippi - quiet and cheerful

o             Beulah Wilson - one of the most popular and talented; from Dewey

o             Paul McEwen - "Preacher"; served as Captain of football; star in basketball; Vice President of senior class

o             James Hodge - Class Poet

o             Alma Ward - baby of the class, only 16 years of age; daughter of C.R. Ward of Neva

o             Charles Robinson - son of Mr. and Mrs. M.M. Robinson

o             Hester Howard - Hesteria, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Howard

o             Roger Farthing - son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Farthing of Mill Creek

o             Lena Dowell - wants to be a beauty specialist

o             Ben Dillion - sits high in the hearts of students

o             Myrtle Robinson - one of the best scholars; from Shady Valley

o             Junior Wilson - from Doe Valley

o             Walter Taylor - only graduate from Laurel Bloomery; son of Justice and Mrs. Taylor

o             Ada Garland - has attended JCHS for only one year; wants to teach school

o             Parlee Gentry - loyal and likeable

o             D.L. Snyder - son of Mr. and Mrs. Noah Snyder of Maymead

o             Ruby Love - from Trade; wants to teach

o             Jabin Simcox - from Maymead

o             John Church - came to JCHS in the fall of 1931

o             Nat Lowe - "The spirit of the senior class."

o             Maurice Farris - humorist and comedian of the senior class; son of Mr. and Mrs. M.E. Farris of Mountain City

o             Roger Crawford - son of Mrs. D.H. Crawford of Mountain City

o             Paul Chappel - son of W.T. Chappell, Esq. of Shouns; 4 year letterman in football

o             Norman McQueen - formerly attended Watauga Academy and other schools; son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom McQueen of Vaughtsville

The above information is abstracted from the Johnson County News, Mountain City, TN, Wednesday, 4 April 1934, page 1. It was submitted by and presented here with the permission of Ruby Coleman



1941 Newspaper Article - Mountain City

I was looking over a newspaper article sent to me by my dad's cousin and I noticed an article titled "Pupils of Mrs. Nave to be presented in Recital at Academy" the date is May 12 or 13, 1941. Part of the name of the paper was torn off but it ended in Tennessee.

Listed are the names of the song and the author and then the name of the child doing the song. (I found this confusing) Some of the names of people in the article are: Anna & Kathy Goodwin, Mary Ellen Walker, Helen Jordan, Janet Greenwell, Betty Jo Goodwin, Ruth Lipford, Joyce Dean Stout, Jo Ellen Belvin, Earleen Cress, Doris Matherly, Edna Rambo--I may have forgotten a few.

Submitted by and used with the permission of Linda R. Hogan

Logo by Pamela Cresswell

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