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Miss Addie Boyd  Wagner


Pretty Nuptials Last Evening

Miss Addie Boyd Wagner Became The Bride of Mr. R. P. London
The nuptials were Celebrated at the Home of the Bride's Parents, at Mountain City
Special to the Courier Mountain City, Tenn., Dec. 23.

     One of the most brilliant social events in the history of this beautiful little city in the mountains was the marriage this evening of Mr. R. P. London and Miss Addie Boyd Wagner. The nuptials were celebrated at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Noah J. Wagner, at 8 o'clock. The event was witnessed by quite a number of friends of the contracting parties, including admiring Bristolians. The home had been prettily decorated for the occasion, the decorations consisting chiefly of holly and mistletoe intermingled, forming a combination suggestive of the fond hopes of the two young lives that were to be united. The wedding scene was a most pleasing and beautiful one. Preceding the ceremony, Miss Lena Hale sang "Call Me Thine Own." At the conclusion of the song, the strains of Mendelssohn's wedding march, that familiar piece which grows sweeter with the years, were started up with Miss Lyda Bunn, a former schoolmate of the bride at Virginia Institute, at the piano. During the rendition of this march, the wedding party entered the parlor. The wedding ceremony was performed by Rev. J. L. Griffitts, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. The betrothal ring was the feature of the ceremony. During the ceremony Miss Bunn played "Hearts and Flowers." The bride attired in white organdie and carrying a large bouquet of white roses, entered the parlor with Miss Glenna Senter, of Bristol, the maid of honor. Miss Senter was attired in white and carried red carnations. Little Miss Pauline Donnelly, the ring bearer, preceded the bride and her maid of honor to the marriage altar.

Mr. London entered the parlor leaning upon the arm of his best man, Mr. James Wright, of Mountain City.

     All of the lady attendants were attired in white and carried appropriate flowers.

The hearty congratulations of the group of friends and relatives present followed the ceremony, after which refreshments were served.

The popular bride and groom were recipients of many beautiful and costly gifts, including the significant remembrances of numerous friends throughout East Tennessee.

     The happy couple will reside in this city, where the groom is a prominent young business man, being at the head of the hardware firm of London & Stoffel. Mr. London formerly resided in Bristol, having been connected with the Baker Hardware Company there. While in Bristol he made many friends, whose good wishes have followed him to his new home. He is the younger brother of the late Prof. L. S. London, who so successfully served as superintendent of the city schools of Bristol for several years.

     The bride is one of the most highly esteemed young women of this place and possesses a rare charm of heart and mind, which has made her a favorite in her home town. She is also possessed of many accomplishments, having been educated at Virginia Institute in Bristol.

This young couple start their wedded life under the most auspicious conditions, added to which are the good wishes of a multitude of admiring friends who are interested in their happiness.

Mary, Addie's wedding announcement read as follows:

Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Wagner
invite you to be present
at the marriage of their daughter
Addie Boyd
Mr. Robert Patterson London
at their home
on Wednesday evening, December twenty-third
nineteen and three at eight o'clock
Mountain City, Tennessee

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